but that's besides the point. anyway, i'm here to upload my K.J.L character profile sketches that i did. I've done 3 and 1/4 characters so far. and by request of mf, here they are!! :
the titular character, Kai!! :D
Wes bedevire's weapon concept:
wes's character portrait:
chris's weapons (this is for you mf!!! :P)
and here he is! the white headed kid! chris Gaheris!!( mf!! that's for you!!!):

ok that's all, i'm gonna sign out now. mf is desperate to see these!!!! jkjk.

ok that's all, i'm gonna sign out now. mf is desperate to see these!!!! jkjk.
so this is titus quek signing off!!
~Cortador Del Cielo~ the mighty cutter of the sky