Saturday, August 14, 2010

k.j.l. Sketches!!!

HEY PEOPLE!!!! sorry for not posting again :P been really busy. but wait. my ca's next week and i'm posting ironic...haha.

but that's besides the point. anyway, i'm here to upload my K.J.L character profile sketches that i did. I've done 3 and 1/4 characters so far. and by request of mf, here they are!! :

the titular character, Kai!! :D
Wes bedevire's weapon concept:
wes's character portrait:
chris's weapons (this is for you mf!!! :P)
and here he is! the white headed kid! chris Gaheris!!( mf!! that's for you!!!):

ok that's all, i'm gonna sign out now. mf is desperate to see these!!!! jkjk.
so this is titus quek signing off!!

~Cortador Del Cielo~ the mighty cutter of the sky

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

i back!!

After 3 months i'm finally blogging again. miss me? >.< i have a math test tmr so i'll give a breif run
lol. that wasn't brief at all. so yeah. i'll be going now and i think after my spa and listening exam. gotta continue chapter 9 too. haha.see yeah.~Cortador Del Cielo, the mighty cutter of the sky~

Saturday, April 3, 2010


yo i'm back! whooo wha today really tiring at band sia. do so much marching then nid learn wad dance oso lol. wha sianz so much things coming in april nafa and chi oral. wha chi oral gg liao la........ sianz. but i oso getting new hp this month=D but the date is after chi oral :( damnit la. but at least today reborn got new arc liao lol. Its a new filler arc where tsuna and his guardians go back to the past and meet the first and his guardians. here are some pics but sadded cannot upload all lol:
vongola primo
first-generation storm guardian: G (wad kinda name is dat?)
first-generation rain guardian: asari ugetsu
LOL this pic is epic man lambo meets lampo the first-generation lightning guardian
first-generation mist guardian deamon spade(wth lor this is just gay)
lol so dats the pics i took. (din i promise u?) haha ok dats all for now going to watch fullmetal alcemist brotherhood liaoz then MAYBE do some hw lol k byez

~Cortador Del Cielo, the mighty cutter of the sky~

Thursday, March 25, 2010

whooo new update!

whew ppl. sry for not updating my bog in like errr 22 days??!?!? dats anw today got new manga ep! but!.....i not puting up any new pics today cause nothing much (sorry) juz tsuna they all go back to sch then got new arc. reborn tio letter from 9th for wad inheritance ceremony.0.o then got new students one guy called shitt p. (wth?) then they start tolking random shyt. then later tsuna relaised that one new kid got ring oso!!! (takes in deep breaths) who is this kid and what is the ring for? tune in next week! lol i sound juz like a radio station dj advertising khr.hahas okie gtg liao. sry again for no pics this week but u guys can watch the manga yourselves=D i promise to upload some next week though.ok then take care guys....byezzzz.

~Cortador Del Cielo, the mighty cutter of the sky~

Friday, March 5, 2010


yare yare. today got x-country sia. after sch me glen mf wl and jh go to my house for....something apparently....then later wei liang borrow my pe pants ,glen borrow my de-ouderent and jing han owe me my funny clip. only mf never owe me anything=D

later we walk, YES WALK to bedok reservoir at 3 pm lol then they dun believe me in the end 8 mins reach liao lol. then later run dat time so fast got stitch already :( then later wei liang and glen ciong ahead(how did wl get so fast?) then me and jing han walk and run in the end i fail to cut jing han and i got 91 :(

anw, today got new manga ep!:)

This title is like damn racist lor
o.O pissed of liao
yay clash =D
uber x-burner
wth lor so fast die liao byakuran.... wonder who the next enemy will be?

welp dats all for now....i hope can play psp soon=D

gtg guys! bb!
~Cortador Del Cielo, the mighty cutter of the sky~

Friday, February 19, 2010

exams coming!

sigh exams coming soon!!!! and I getting despo liaoz...i now scared of phy and A-maths.

any, today new hitman rebon manga chapter released!

o.O vongola primo give tsuna and his guardians the original vongola rings! yay!!
got new ring liao can pwn byakuran wif uber-fast x-burner!!! =Dsianz juz remembered tmr muz go for s.s. extra lesson cause last friday got band performance cannot go (as usual, band interferes again!) sorry for short post and the small number of pic i uploaded (count them=D!) cause i dun have much time today. but at least one of the pic got colour =D

welp, dats all for now, gotta get serious and go study liaoz bb!

~Cortador Del Cielo, the mighty cutter of the sky~

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I've really done it this time. i screwed up my a maths test. stupid sia, my question 3b i got answer liaoz but no time write down! pathetic....and then the last question dun even understand lor.dammit la i know how to do question 1-4 actually but becos not used to the methods to use...sigh. now muz study for history test tomorrow. teacher siao one la muz mem so much la wth.i damn stress now...sigh. gtg study liao byez...

This post does not deserve a "cortador del cielo"...sighhhhhhhh:(